Monday, March 25, 2013


Internet Safety
Children and teens are spending 20 hours a month on average on the internet. Do you know what your child is doing? 41% of kids say their parents do not know what they are doing on the internet.*
I am an aspiring school leader who wants to help inform parents how. The internet is an amazing invention that brings information about the world into our homes quickly. It allows for people to instantly communicate with people across the country, play games online, share pictures, and go shopping. However, this wonderful invention can also be dangerous if your child is not monitored. Some of the issues that could arise are cyber bullying, viewing inapporpriate content, predators, and sharing personal information to name a few. This blog will help you to protect your children while they are online by identify some potential problems and give you tips to prevent it. Knowledge is power.
*You can view more facts about children using the internet here.
Things to Take Away:
Read the remaining postings in this blog to find out what you can do to protect your children while they are on the internet. 

1 comment:

  1. You have organized your blog very well and definitely found very informative and educational articles, videos and facts. However, I feel that your blog would be more meaningful if you add some personal content. What do you think about this topic, or do you have a personal story to share?
